Thursday 30 June 2011

Why not just put everything on eBay?

I think there might be a few questions asked about this idea, submitted to a full meeting of Cornwall Council for endorsement on Tuesday:
"increasing the financial limit for capital and revenue payments and receipts for officer decisions to £1,000,000 for capital and £500,000 per annum for revenue.....limiting the discount that can be allowed by the Director for Resources in making a disposal decision to £250,000 in relation to capital and £250,000 per annum in relation to revenue."
This concentrates even more power in the hands of a single unelected official and drives a coach and horses through the "transparency agenda" of which we hear very little these days. And the reason for this:
"The amendments proposed are considered to be necessary so as to ensure efficiency of effective decision making on property transactions without the need to refer every disposal or acquisition decision to Cabinet."
Cornwall has 123 councillors, only 10 of them Cabinet members.

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