Monday, 7 February 2011

Sir John cost Cornwall £2,000/day

Here is the reply to last night's email. Although it doesn't quite answer all of my questions (leaving us to assume 22.5 days so far) I have agreed to withdraw my FOI application.
Johnson Matthey has submitted invoices totalling £45,000 in respect of the time Sir John Banham has spent away from the company carrying out preparatory work in relation to the formation of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership.

It had been previously agreed that the selection of initiation chairman would be a decision for the private sector as the LEP is a private sector led partnership. Sir John's name was originally suggested at a meeting of private sector representatives convened by Camborne and Redruth MP George Eustice in November, and was then subsequently endorsed by the board of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Economic Forum.

The payment is based on an agreed daily rate of £2,000 equating to 50% of Sir John Banham's usual Johnson Matthey rate and covers the period from the week beginning 29 November when he attended an initial meeting to discuss his role as initiation chairman to 31 January 2011.

It is anticipated that Sir John will continue to work in his new Ambassadorial role to support the formation of the LEP until the end of March 2011 when the new Board and Chairman are expected to be in place.

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