Wednesday, 16 March 2011

What do you think of it so far?

This blog is now a year old - give or take a few days.

In the continuing interests of reader-engagement, feedback and quality control, I invite you to submit your opinions about any or all of the 570 entries penned so far.

This was the first blog of its kind, specific to BBC local radio. In these cost-conscious times I should point out that the burden on licence-fee payers is nothing at all, as it's written in my spare time (as a form of therapy.)

Among the stories which subsequently attracted a wider audience, there's been quite a bit of stuff about Cornwall Council, whose constitution has had to be reviewed twice because of blog entries. The blog was first to report that the general election Con-LibDem deal would mean constituency boundary reviews leading to Devonwall. The blog can also claim to have re-written the official timeline of Cornish history - who can forget the Kilbrandon Report? There have been hitherto unplumbed inquiries into who spent what during the general election campaign. My personal favourite was the one about the council visit to the lap-dancing club: Flashman & The Angels.

It's clear, though, that the blog has its critics - who are also cordially invited to say why I should spend more time on the tennis court.

Thank you for reading - and whether you like it or not, another year of blogging is about to be foisted upon you.

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