Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kevin takes the shilling

Remember the September meeting of Cornwall Council?  The one which asked chief executive Kevin Lavery not to accept the invitation to be returning officer for the Devon and Cornwall police commissioner elections next year?

The issue troubling members was that the new commissioner will also have responsibility for policing in Devon.  Not just Cornwall.  I am not making this up.

Well Kevin has decided that the resolution of the full council - which went on (and on) to demand that a "strong delegation" be sent to lobby government for Cornwall to have its own police force - can be safely ignored.  Not only has the demand for an audience with Theresa May been sidelined, Kevin is defying the will of the council and is accepting the invitation.  He will be organising the police commissioner elections, and since he will do this in a personal capacity, to the benefit of election staff (in Cornwall as well as in Devon,) there is nothing the council can do about it.

The issue, now, becomes somewhat wider than just policing.  What is the point of 123 elected councillors?  Might they not just as well have stayed at home?

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