Response provided by Cornwall Council under: Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request and Response:
How many teachers had a salary in excess of (1) £75,000 (2) £100,000 in your area for each of the financial years 2010/11 and 2011/12 and what was the salary of the highest paid individual each year?
The Council employed sixteen headteachers in its maintained schools in the financial year 2010/11 on a salary of £75,000 or more. In the same year there was one headteacher on a salary in excess of £100,000. The salary in question was £102,734. In the financial year 2011/12 the Council employed fourteen headteachers in its maintained schools on a salary of £75,000 or more. In the same year there was one headteacher on a salary in excess of £100,000. The salary in question was £102,534.
I suspect that many of these schools are now academies - and the salaries, possibly, even higher.
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