Friday 16 March 2012

Whistling in the dark

It's good to know that anyone working for Torbay Council
"who has a serious concern about any aspect of the Council's work or the actions of its employees should voice their concerns through established channels, without fear of harassment or victimisation"
and that to this end
"Council employees and members of the public can report suspected frauds or poor practice (Not Housing Benefit) to the Audit Service via the confidential reporting service "Speak Up" by telephone or email. The dedicated Fraud Hotline is confidential and available 24 hours a day - 01803 207407."
I do hope that whoever is answering this confidential and dedicated Fraud Hotline 24 hours a day is OK. Here are the answers to my Freedom of Information Questions:

1. Since 1st January 2009, how many calls have been received by the Council's "Dedicated fraud hotline" for whistleblowers?

Since Jan 2009 the number of telephone calls received on the telephone hotline recorded as whistleblowers = 2. 4 other reports were received via the dedicated whistle blowing e-mail inbox .

2. How many of these calls resulted in an internal investigation?

Telephone calls resulting in internal investigation = 0. Of the 4 reports received via e-mail, 1 of these resulted in an investigation.

3. How many investigations resulted in disciplinary action or, eventually, prosecution?

Investigations resulting in discipline / prosecution = 0


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